Est ce la fin du debut ou le debut de la fin ... ?

Publié le par la ptitanat'

Dans une semaine je serais de nouveau en France. Chez moi. Ou plutot chez mon premier chez moi. Car a present ici aussi c'est un peu chez moi. UNE SEMAINE. I can't get over it. Why does the time go by so quickly (or fastly for cool people, like me) ??? It seems that I've been here for only one week or I've always lived here...SSA55249.JPG


 How am I gonna live without :


- get up in the morning and see you lurking around !

- making cookies or rice krispies  at 2h in the morning !

- having half naked dances party on the Fratellis !

- having water,pillows or with -pretty-much-whatever-we-can-find FIGHTS

- watching movies while knitting and drinking massives quantities of jasmine tea

- having big discussions (everytime your dad is just beside us... )

- doing nothing but being together and read

- having crafty evenings, spending at making pictures frames or collages

- going for a walk and laying in the moss, or when we feel adventurous, pretending to be beavers and mooses or trespassing by chance in a private property !

- stealing you entire wardrobe !

- having emo makeover

- having "sick" day together !

- going to novel idea and have a soup for lunch and eventually being late in english class

- running down Main Street in the rain in a shopping cart that we stole from the department store

- going to bed at midnight during the week because we were talking into your room (and I was preventing you to do your maths homeworks)

- ashamed ourselves wherever we are, whatever we do !

- divorcing in english class (and marrying Isaac for his loads of cash) !

- spending hours and hours at Next to New, buying loads of very fashionnable and useful stuffs for 5$

- being hairy and smelly and lusting after mister egeto (Sacre Bleu!) !

- watching Disney movies and dressing up like the characters

- having weird noises' and pterodactyls' parties :-D

- being disappointed of our lack of lesbianness and plumpouilletteness !

- having pronunciation and vocabulary parties ( In Hartford, Herrington and Hampshire, Hurricanes Hardly ever Happen... ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM!- work- coconut- circumstances- hypothetically "hi-poe-thae-tick-aly"- real- redundancy- ideA)

- being ADD

- painting rocks instead of going out to wild parties on saturday night

- making vile smelling soap in the shape of flowers

- convincing people on drugs that we ordered each other from the internet to be lesbians together for 3 months

- generating static electricity from my leg carpet !

- making clever cultural references, by quoting movies from the 80's, which no one understand except us. >If he gets up, we'll all get up! IT'LL BE ANARCHY!

- having innumerable recipes involving MARSHMALLOWS

- FRANGLAIS... and lovely, loving franglais swear words.


- and so much more (liste non exhaustive a titre indicatif :-) ) ....


[ -> every "you" it's for you my cabbage, of course :) ]




*Pourquoi toutes les bonnes chose ont une fin ?

- pour pouvoir regarder en arriere et se dire que si l'on devait tout recommencer on ne changerait rien...



*Et cette fin la, pourquoi elle est si triste ?

-  pour que la suite n'en soit que plus joyeuse...




SSA55237.JPGEt moi j'en suis ou dans tout ca ? Est ce que j'ai change ? J'ai l'impression d'etre toujours la meme, mais qui sait ? J'ai vecu tellement de nouvelles experiences, ces quelques semaines m'ont apporte des choses que je n'aurais jamais trouve ailleurs et qui resteront ancrees en moi... je crois bien qu'il y a une Oriane avant et une Oriane apres ces 3 mois au Canada. Mes souvenirs sont emotions, paysages, odeurs, sons, objets ; et le sentiment d'avoir une deuxieme famille, un deuxieme pays...   a travers ce blog, j'ai immortalise tous ces moments et cela me permet maintenant de contempler et me rappeller, tout en ayant partage au fil du temps un peu de cette aventure avec le monde exterieur.


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ma chere oriane, en lisan cette artil g la nostalgie et en meme tps je sui triste et suis si eureuse de voir ke tu a vcu cet experience a fd mé triste de me dir ke lon c vu il y a 4 moi vu kon en sé po vu o moii daout et tirste de me dir ke tu rentre le 4/11 et ke moi je pars en hte savoie le 4/11 jsp ek toi et moi on gardera contact ke ej te reverrai a mon retour de vac kon sécrira des  lettre ke joré regulieremen de tes nouvell pck mem si je en te lé pa di svt jtm for et tu es une fill genialisime exeptionnel ki merite detr eureuse vace tn remynou ki taten je pense impatiemmen et toi ossi il doi com mem te manekr voila tt ces mo pr te dir a kel point jé été eureuse de fair ta connaissance d epasser ces deu an avec toi et en esperan(pr reprendre le titr de larticle) ke ce né ke la fin du debu et kune grde istoir ns aten et kom on di la distance ne peu rien kontr deu personn ki saime for (si tt foi ej lespere tu maime for ) lol bizzzzzzzzzzz ma candaienn french
Ca c'est sûr, tu vas avoir changé aprés 3 mois là bas (au paradis) !!!!  D'ailleurs sur la photo, tu es toute sombre, est-ce ta nouvelle couleur de peau ? Mystère ...Dépèches toi de rentrer (pô en enfer, in Normandy), il ne te reste que trois mois pour préparer le séjour de Annie (Anne ?).
Hi there!I've just read your list and I wonder how you COULD actually live with all that ;=) (especially the marshmallows)!! I understand coming back to France will be very hard for you - back to a boring school with boring lessons and teachers, catching up with maths and physics, preparing your "bac français" (though I'm not worried about it!). When is Annie coming to France? Keep in mind you'll have another 3 months together, she has to discover France and your family, your way of life, she'll probably be very surprised by some of our customs! The plumpouillettes will be back together!!! And you can drink jasmine tea in France too! - no jacuzzi though... (by the way, pretending to have a lesbian relationship is definitely NOT the best way to meet a nice Canadian boyfriend!!)Have a nice week, take careLoveJuliette
hé bah je sens qu'on va pas beaucoup travailler à la rentrée...^^
hé bah je sens qu'on va pas beaucoup travailler à la rentrée...^^